
“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God’s handwriting – a wayside sacrament.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Greetings friend! It’s nice to meet you. I’m rachel iliadis, an Atlanta native, world traveler, and a quirky mess. Like you, I’m seeking perfect peace, a life abundant, and beautiful things that make my heart race. 

My life is a compilation of articles from National Geographic, Southern Living, and Real Simple. A true mosaic of every friend loved, place traveled, and experience lived. Like a bird, my journey has taken me around the world and back. A journal, camera and hammock close by, I live for finding beauty in simplicity.

And at the core of it all, my truest desire is to live a life worthy of the one who sacrificed everything so that I might gain everything. And for me, that means working diligently, loving whole-heartedly, and giving generously.

I’m the “communications specialist” at National Christian Foundation, and I work as a photographer, dreamer, and life-lover on the side. Welcome to my small cozy corner on the internet.
